Archives for June 2012


Writing this post while sitting alone at Eddie’s reunion. Having a good time, for the most part. Considering I don’t really know a soul.

Edmund is having a GREAT time. And that’s all that matters.

Space Cadet

This post is totally cheating. I just remembered I forgot to post Friday (today).

So here it is. My totally cheating post.

This Weeks Podcast: Not so Culturally Sensitive

This Weeks Podcast: Not so Culturally Sensitive

Trish Lounges with LannaLee and gets a couch

Trish Lounges with LannaLee and gets a couch

I don’t edit my podcasts. I’ll add the intro music, but that’s it. Any snafus or flubs that happen during the conversation are there, warts and all, for everyone to hear. That’s by design.

In this week’s podcast, I say something that’s not so culturally sensitive. I’ll let you listen to find out exactly what it is (see what I did there, I made you listen!) We remark on it and talk about it during the podcast, and I wish I said what I said differently, but I said it. That is where I’m going with Lounging with LannaLee. Honesty that’s in the moment.

So take a listen, and see what I’m talking about. And please, tell me what you think.

Wicked Wednesday

We are in Lake George, New York, enjoying a tiny motel room with a tiny bed.

We drove from Maine this morning, with stops in Manchester, NH, Dartmouth College, The Cabot Cheese Annex Store/Visitor’s Center in Queechee, and the Long Trail Brewing Company (Ed drank many samples in the onsite pub).

Tonite we played Dominion Hinterlands, Eddie won the first game, I crushed Eddie in the second. 

And this is my post. Which I typed on my phone. Which means I’m done.

Getting Ready for Vacacay

Getting Ready for Vacacay

Getting ready for my Vacation with my sweetie Eddie Ed.

Squiggy on my chair

Squiggy does not approve.

I’m doing what I always do when I’m getting ready for vacacay. I surf the internet, stalking my twitter and facebook feeds until it’s very late and I’ve almost run out of time. And then I stuff all my clothes in a bag. Then I take a break, because that was really taxing. Then I go back online. Surfity surfing. Psyching myself up to make sure my non-clothes are packed: gadgets, toiletries, etc. [Having a kindle has really helped with this part. Instead of 5 or 6 books I pack my Kindle Keyboard. Which is practically attached to me, anyway.]

I might write a list.

[I have not yet written a list.]

I might write some blag posts ahead of time.

[I have not yet written blag posts ahead of time.]

I am planning to bring my podcasting equipment even tho I don’t have plans to record a podcast. Just in case.

We’re going to Lake George, NY for a couple of days, then dropping in at the New York Faerie Festival on Friday. Friday night we will move on to Princeton New Jersey, where we will be attending Eddie’s 20th High School reunion. Where I am likely to be the oldest woman present.



I’m okay with that.

Anyhow, I suppose I should get back to packing. And whatnot.

My open letter to Ne’er Do Wellers during my Vacation still stands:

A Fancy People

A Fancy People

I wanna be a fancy people.

I want fancy things and a fancy life.

I wanna go to fancy things and talk to fancy people.

I want fancy people to talk to me. And be fancy with me. And we’ll go hand-in-hand to all the fancy places and be fancy together. And (fancy) people will say, “Well, ain’t she fancy.” And I will say, “Hells yes! I am fancy. See my fancy butt.” And I will show them my fancy butt and they will like it (because who doesn’t like a fancy butt now and again.) And then we, me and all the other Fancy People, will go to fancy parties and eat fancy food and get fabulously fancy prizes for being so damn fancy.

Fancy. Together!

But not too fancy.

Lounging with LannaLee Update

Lounging with LannaLee Update

Hey, it’s (yet another) Lounging with LannaLee Update. Today I’ve been thinking about Lounging with LannaLee a lot, as I’m getting my presentation ready for the next WordCamp Boston. [Schedule here. Tickets here. Session Description Here. My bio here.] It is a great event, and I suggest that, if you do anything or want to do anything with WordPress, you attend. Great for beginners and advancers. And I’ll be there, which is a total plus!

Lounging with LannaLee LogoAs far as my getting stuff together, I’ve been playing around with new WordPress plugins, deleting old plugins, updating and cleaning my website and such so that it will look good for the publics. Through the course of all this work, I MAY have figured out how to fix my iTunes submission so that my peeps can download new episodes via iTunes. Crossing fingers.

Lounging is going great. I’m planning on doing something big in the fall for it, some sort of event, right now I’m in the beginning planning stages. Want it to be big and fun and maybe a little crazy. We’ll see. [Incidentally, if you are interested in helping me PLAN this, please let me know. I might need a committee or something. And if you are a balloon person, please know you are on notice. Will definitely be a balloon presence there. Thinking sculpted awesome.]

The podcasting every week is going well, been lucky to be able to get a couple of last minute guests a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes I hold people who might be easy to get in the wings while I concentrate on those who might live further away and whatnot. When we came back from our vacation in May, I didn’t have any episodes recorded. I had hoped to connect with a couple of people at the festival we were at, but it never seemed like a good time on their or my end. Fortunately Edmund stepped up and so did my boss Tony (with his daughter Mariah). Edmund and I are going away again this week and fortunately I already have the episode for this week AND next week in the can.

I will also be transcribing all of the episodes, once I get up the gumption to start the process. Frankly, I don’t see it happening until after the presentation in July.

So that’s it. Another Lounging with LannaLee update. You LOVE it, don’t you. Admit it. You LOVE It.

This Guy

This Guy

EdmundHappy Birthday to my Dear Husband, Edmund Charles Davis-Quinn. I thank my lucky stars for the day I met him.

As you might know, this year, so far, has been very shitty for me. My Dad died, my Mom’s BFF died, and all through it all, Edmund has been stepping up and doing what needs to be done, whether it’s walking a dog, or giving me a hug, or making sure I’m taking care of myself. He’s rescued Mom from an annoying fire alarm. He’s done oodles of laundry. And he’s been there.

Today is his birthday and he’s working. He’s also working tomorrow. So if you get a chance, please wish him a cyberific happy birthday for me. Here he is on Facebook. And here he is on Twitter.

My birthday was last week. We didn’t get each other birthday gifts this year because we are going away next week to Edmund’s 20th High School Reunion (of which I await with trepidation.) We figured we’d have a better time if we used the money we would’ve spent on each other on a longer trip. We’ll be going to New York State first, then travel to New Jersey for the weekend.

After the spring we’ve had, we’re ready for a good time.

And Happy Birthday, Sweetie. I love you.

The Blagging Way of Life

The Blagging Way of Life

Pink!I constantly think of things I could write for the blag. Or, more accurately, things piss me off or intrigue me and I want to write about them. Sometimes I do. Most of the time, I don’t.

Why don’t I write about these things, fascinating or infuriating as they are? Mostly it’s time. I work full time at a job and I’m working on making my Podcast as awesome as I can, which precludes writing lengthy posts about bullying, women’s rights and social control. And culture.

Will I ever write about that stuff? I sure hope so. My life has been so turbulent lately, I just haven’t had the bandwidth to think. [Right now I’m in a place where I haven’t been able to read books like I want to. And that’s okay.] Not to mention that I am on slate to speak at the next WordCamp Boston, July 14th and 15th, 2012. I looked at the calendar yesterday and realized that, with us going away NEXT weekend, I only have 2 weekends to prepare. Doh!

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about whether I should keep up with this blagging thing or not. . I was down on the blagging. Since then I’ve had an epiphany. Without having the impetus to blag every day, I wouldn’t have written all the stuff I wrote about my Dad. And now, coming up on the other side, it’s nice to have a day-to-day record of what was happening with his illness and how I was feeling at the time.

I will keep on writing, and keep my goal of posting something each day. Maybe I’ll write those posts I think about on my morning commute or while reading online articles.

And sometimes I’ll post stupid videos.

Like this one:

Podcast Thursday with BFF Trisha Smith

Podcast Thursday with BFF Trisha Smith

Trish lounged with LannaLee and got a couch!

Trish lounged with LannaLee and got a couch!

The Waaaaaaambulance has left the building. Today it’s only sweetness and light. And the .

We didn’t talk about this on the show, but I first met Trisha in junior high during the musical Annie. I was cast as Lily, Rooster Hannigan’s girlfriend. But the boy playing Rooster ended out dropping out of the show. So they cast me as Rooster, and Trish as Lily. She was taller than me even then. Since then I’ve done a few shows either in drag or have been cast in what would have been a male role. I’ll try not to read anything of it. Anyway, we had a blast and made a great comedic duo. Our friendship has endured many, many years. (I won’t get into how many years exactly because we both are not at the point that we don’t care.)

Trish Gets a Couch!

Trish Gets a Couch!

So . We conversate and such.

Depressed Lanna is Depressed

I don’t like to keep complaining, but I guess I have a reason to. So I’m going to just up and say it, depressed Lanna is depressed.

Now, this doesn’t mean that depressed Lanna doesn’t have fun. I had a good weekend hanging out with Trisha. I enjoyed going to Southern Maine Pride. I can have a conversation without bursting into tears. In fact, I can have a conversation and laugh and have a relatively good time.


My temper is much shorter. I take things more personally. Sometimes I might over-react about something. (Might.) (Okay, will.) And having fun takes so much more effort.

And really, it’s only been 3 months since Dad died. It seems like forever ago. But I don’t even think it’s been 90 days.

I just want to snap out of it.

I can’t.

And I’m afraid that I haven’t even come to grips with what Dad’s death means. Every time I think of the implications – no 4th of July party, his absence at Thanksgiving and Christmas: I start panicking.

No Dad trying to get out of wearing his teeth, “I didn’t forget them, I know exactly where they are.” No Dad teasing Mom about how “It must be that Guilford Education.” Or eating a delicious meal and smacking, “It don’t get no better.”

So be it.

It really fucking sucks.

I suppose it will get better.

Tapping my foot.


Hey, look at the URL, it says “done-2”. That means I’ve been done before. That’s heartening. I wonder how many times one can be done.

Of course, that time I was done it was that I was done with school. This time I am done. Done with funerals. Done with death. Crispy. Spent. Done with school is a happy kind of done. This is a numb, sad, grieving sort of done.

I have emails I need to catch up on, but can’t bring myself to do so. I have plans I want to make and people I should be messaging. But, in spite of the fact that I should’ve done most of it last week or yesterday or earlier today, I can’t do it tonight. So I’m choosing to do it guilt-free. Yay.

[Still feel guilty. You know what they say, fake it til you make it.]


Let’s put some FUN in funeral!


Bad joke.

Today we went to Hallowell for Dot‘s funeral. [I talk about Dot here and here and here.]

Yet, we had fun. A fitting tribute to a fun-loving woman, of course.

After the funeral service, we went to the reception, and after that, Mom, Edmund and I grabbed some lobster and mussels and took them back to Mom’s house and noshed.

And you know what? I’m raw. Too raw to write about anything else, and too raw to write about Dot (without writing bad jokes and whatnot.)

So I’m going to forward you over to Edmund’s blog, where he wrote something very nice about today. It’s beautiful and just what the doctor ordered.

Officer, I forgot

I forgot to do a blog post today. Too busy chilling, working and hanging.

It was my first Father’s Day without my Dad. I had lunch with my Mom, we scratched tickets in his honor. Will buy more with our winnings.

Then I went out to the movies and dinner with Edmund and Trish. We popped in at Rythmic Cypher (a poetry open Mic) but went home early.

Over all it was a good day. Bittersweet, but good.

Tomorrow we’re going to Dot’s funeral. Good times.

Fun in the Sun at Southern Maine Pride

Fun in the Sun at Southern Maine Pride

Love it! Trisha and I spent the afternoon at Portland Maine’s Southern Maine Pride Event. And a good time was had by all. These guys, now these guys were so great. We watched them pose for at least 10 pictures with people. This was after I joked with Trisha that they looked very grumpy. Great outfits, awesome attitude; guess they weren’t too grumpy after all.

Me and Trisha

Me and Trisha

Where did Trisha go?

Where did Trisha go?

So we took these pictures and watched the festivities, ate some concessions and only saw a few people I know. Verdict: meet more gays.

Anyhow. We went out to dinner at Saigon Restaurant. Yummy! And came back home to record an episode of Lounging with LannaLee.

And what’s better than that?

That’s right, we recorded Two episodes of Lounging with LannaLee!


And then this happened:

Trish Gets a Couch!

Trish Gets a Couch!