The Blagging Way of Life

The Blagging Way of Life

Pink!I constantly think of things I could write for the blag. Or, more accurately, things piss me off or intrigue me and I want to write about them. Sometimes I do. Most of the time, I don’t.

Why don’t I write about these things, fascinating or infuriating as they are? Mostly it’s time. I work full time at a job and I’m working on making my Podcast as awesome as I can, which precludes writing lengthy posts about bullying, women’s rights and social control. And culture.

Will I ever write about that stuff? I sure hope so. My life has been so turbulent lately, I just haven’t had the bandwidth to think. [Right now I’m in a place where I haven’t been able to read books like I want to. And that’s okay.] Not to mention that I am on slate to speak at the next WordCamp Boston, July 14th and 15th, 2012. I looked at the calendar yesterday and realized that, with us going away NEXT weekend, I only have 2 weekends to prepare. Doh!

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about whether I should keep up with this blagging thing or not. . I was down on the blagging. Since then I’ve had an epiphany. Without having the impetus to blag every day, I wouldn’t have written all the stuff I wrote about my Dad. And now, coming up on the other side, it’s nice to have a day-to-day record of what was happening with his illness and how I was feeling at the time.

I will keep on writing, and keep my goal of posting something each day. Maybe I’ll write those posts I think about on my morning commute or while reading online articles.

And sometimes I’ll post stupid videos.

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