Happy Birthday to my Dear Husband, Edmund Charles Davis-Quinn. I thank my lucky stars for the day I met him.
As you might know, this year, so far, has been very shitty for me. My Dad died, my Mom’s BFF died, and all through it all, Edmund has been stepping up and doing what needs to be done, whether it’s walking a dog, or giving me a hug, or making sure I’m taking care of myself. He’s rescued Mom from an annoying fire alarm. He’s done oodles of laundry. And he’s been there.
Today is his birthday and he’s working. He’s also working tomorrow. So if you get a chance, please wish him a cyberific happy birthday for me. Here he is on Facebook. And here he is on Twitter.
My birthday was last week. We didn’t get each other birthday gifts this year because we are going away next week to Edmund’s 20th High School Reunion (of which I await with trepidation.) We figured we’d have a better time if we used the money we would’ve spent on each other on a longer trip. We’ll be going to New York State first, then travel to New Jersey for the weekend.
After the spring we’ve had, we’re ready for a good time.
And Happy Birthday, Sweetie. I love you.
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