Over the past month, I’ve been thinking a lot about the direction I want to take this blag. I wondered, do I want to blag? I realized that Blagging has been good for me. So there’s that.
But I’ve been holding back.
Well, not holding back, holding back. I’ve been myself. I’ve told the truth. But I haven’t been too personal. And this is not a regular how-to blog. It is a personal journal-type blag. I should be more personal. And whatnot.
Except for when my dad was sick. I was personal then. [And that was difficult because at that time I was acting as the spokesperson for the family.] Blagging then was cathartic. So I wonder if I could or should open up more.
Some of you who know me from online probably think I open up plenty, but I don’t. And maybe if I did it could help people. And it would be good for me. Cathartic. I like it when things are cathartic.
So I’m going to put it all out there. Lay it on the line. See what happens.
To that end, here are some of the topics I jotted down when I was brainstorming:
- Dating foibles – can’t remember names
- Bad memory (see dating foibles)
- Clowning Stories
- Bingo – Sexy Bingo
- combat Zone with Georgie
- Roommates with George
- Drinking Days
- What BDSM is really like (in a way)
- First Marriage
- Bullying – plus Lanna as Bully (and not)
- I’m a better clown than you are
- Growing up in Monson Maine
- Being all fat and shit
That said, saying and doing are two different things. I will do. But it won’t be instant like. I think I’m going to start slow, with a breakout post per week and see how it goes.
I’m not getting any younger.
[Oooh, that’s a good topic.]
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