Archives for July 28, 2012

Saturday Matinee

Saturday Matinee

Blood Drive at CinemagicSpent the day hanging with Edmund. We watched some Television, then he and I went to a matinee showing of The Dark Knight Rises at Cinemagic.

Cinemagic, where magic and movies come together.

Now I am home. NOT hanging out with Edmund. He’s off in another room. I shall join him soon, I suppose. So I can keep up with my promise to myself that we’d hang out together today.

But I won’t leave before I call the above picture to your attention. It is of the display that the Cinemagic in Westbrook put up for the blood drive they’re having next week. Pretty neat idea to use the promo materials for the upcoming movie The Campaign. And Hilarious. I love it for its whimsy.