Import This

Importing a huge mailing list for work, waiting for it to finish so I can send a mailing and then reboot my computer.

Getting ready to be out of the office for the beginning of next week (for my NYC trip), including getting my work-stuff ready.

Have some ideas of things I want to write about, but I don’t have the energy to do so. I think it’s sleep deprivation. Due to my meds? Or due to my not going to bed early enough.


I had a nice lunch out with my co-worker Donna. I did not get Mac and Cheese because I was worried about how it would impact my digestive system.

Changing subject AWAY from TMI territory…

Tonight I have to finish getting ready to go to New York: pack my clothes, count out more pens, organize and pack my toiletries, pack my podcast equipment, AND hug my hubby super tight.

I could call this post a collection of ideas.

I want to take a nap.

Imodium is my friend.

That is all.