Archives for June 8, 2013

No Deepness from Me today

Today is my day to sleep in. I love sleeping in. And I was rudely woken by the start of a road race, right outside our bedroom window. [Sure, the race started at 9 am, but when I say Sleep IN, I am NOT kidding, I was looking to snooze until after 10 am, maybe 11 am.]

It was the air horn that ultimately woke me.

And the clapping and cheering that kept me awake.

But I’m not bitter. Just remember that.

I think the new meds are sitting better with me, which is a boon.

Anyway, Edmund and I took a power nap this afternoon, joined by our kitties. Then we watched a few episodes of Top Shot.

I am currently reading through Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child’s Pendergast books (again). I just finished Cabinet of Curiosities, now reading Still Life with Crows. There are 12 books out in the series (of which I have read/own 11), the 13th will be out this November. Fun suspenseful with a little uncanny. Great stuff.

And now it’s time to make more iced tea, and for sleep. Tomorrow will be for doing things. I might even venture out side. (news at 11)