Lazy Saturday

Having a lazy Saturday. I woke up at 9:30, read my book for a while. Had some bagel and cream cheese while reading. And, while reading in bed, I fell back to sleep this afternoon. Right now, I’m reading some more.

I like to read.


I’ve always loved to read, and have always found time to read. I remember a few years ago a woman who was going to college complained to me she didn’t have time to read “fun” books. I didn’t understand what she meant. Not until I went back to college in 2006 – and this time I actually went to class and did my homework. Along with working full time, this did not much leave time for “fun” reading, although I managed to read some fun stuff, I’d feel somehow guilty for reading instead of doing my homework.

So here I am, reading instead of doing my homework. [Well, now I am writing, but you wouldn’t be such a stickler. Would you?]

What do I like to read? [You didn’t ask, did you? But I guess I’m going to tell you.]

  • Romance Novels – Julia Quinn, Jane Feather, Mary Balough, Jennifer Crusie (among others)
  • Uncanny/Horror – Stephen King & Dean Koontz, plus all the gothic stuff
  • Mystery/Thriller – big fan of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
  • Fantasy and Science Fiction – Robert Heinlein, John Scalzi, J. R. R. Tolkien and many, many others

But lately, and I think it’s due to senioritis, almost-being-done-with-school but not quite, and such, but I can only seem to read romance novels – any thing else is too freaking depressing. Which is sad because just this week, Stephen King came out with a new book [11/22/63: A Novel]. And am I reading it? Nope. Today I am reading “Romancing Mister Bridgerton” by Julia Quinn. Will she get the guy? She better.

What do you like to read?