Archives for November 29, 2011

Not sure what to say

Not sure what to say

Here I am, at a loss for words. I’m sitting at my work desk, while realizing I haven’t blogged yet today. I’m eating free popcorn. I am tired, tired, tired. {Why am I tired? Reference: yesterday’s post and the day before and the day before that.}

There are things I want to talk about. I have plans. Bloggy things. Plans about bloggy things. And other plans too. Thingy plans. And whatnot.

But those bloggy plan things are not flying off my fingertips, instead they are hiding in my brain, dulled. Silenced. I could coax one of those things I want to talk about out of my brainy brain, but I don’t think that would be wise. No sirree. Tonight I need my synapses firing for a greater purpose, wait for it, HOMEWORK. Ahhhhhh!

Also, my brain hurts:
My Brain Hurts

So I’ll leave you with this picture of Lenny and Squiggy, peering out the bedroom window. They’re keeping me and Edmund safe from malfeasant pigeons.

Lenny & Squiggy keeping an eye on things

And whatnot.

What do you think? Have you seen any malfeasant pigeons?