Check My Mood: I feel Good

Check My Mood: I feel Good

Me and Betty-Jean

Me and Betty-Jean

Feeling good tonight. Got some Subway sandwiches after work tonight. Chatted with Eddie while eating said sandwich (he ate the other one). Then I was interviewed by Jiggy Jaguar aka James Lowe for a @BGE_Radio Show (which was a lot of fun). [Of course, I will share details when you can listen to it.]

Then I called my cousin Betty-Jean (pictured) and we had a great conversation. She’s going through a rough time, but we found plenty to laugh about anyway.

I grew up with Betty-Jean (BJ). I wrote about her in two of my posts so far, The Blue House on the Hill and The Green Boat House. Her Dad is my mom’s oldest brother, and for a while, when we were babies, we lived next door to each other. Later my family moved elsewhere in town (always within walking distance). Betty-Jean’s Dad still has the same old house.

I am three weeks and two days older than BJ. That makes me wiser somehow.

To me, BJ is like a sister (so is my cousin Kate, but we are talking about BJ now). I’m not sure the feeling is reciprocated, because Betty-Jean has 5 sisters of her own! But since I have but one brother, I need to find my sisters where I can.

Fizzled out on my point. I had a good day, I guess that’s it. It was awesome to catch up with BJ, in spite of the circumstances. She and I had some good belly laughs.

Even in the midst of terrible times, life is good.

A good day.