Archives for March 6, 2013

The Tea Continues

The Tea Continues

Tea at Work. Fun for all!

Tea at Work. Fun for all!

Here is how I handle my tea at work lately. Every morning I make a 20 ounce cup of tea (in the pink cup). At lunch time I take one of these wonderful stainless steel bottles out of the fridge and drink some lovely cold tea. When I’m finished drinking the cold tea, I pour the morning’s tea into the bottle I just emptied and put it right back into the fridge.

If I’m still thirsty, I’ll make some more hot tea and drink the cold tea; starting the process all over again.

When I leave work, I have two bottles full of tea in the fridge, ready for the next day.

That’s all I got, people. A confusing explanation on how I make tea at work.