Archives for December 19, 2014

I am trying to be reasonable here

I am trying to be reasonable here

I forgot to post Thursday because of an office party. Tonight (Friday-ish) I was gaming with friends and forgot about posting til now.

I have decided to only back-date one post, this one,  to appear as if it were actually written on Friday. My reasonableness relates to the fact that I’m gonna let go of not posting on Thursday.  Really, I tell myself,  it’s gonna be ok.

Game night was awesome. We ate great food and laughed and talked. We ate some flan I made too. It came out very well.



My gaming compatriots,  rocking some Dominion. (Notice that those girls got Moxie! )

Regarding the flan: as I cooked it I realized I may have inherited Mom’s baking gene. I don’t bake often, but when I do, it usually comes out well.

Ok. I’m falling asleep. Peace out!