March Fourth

March Fourth

For Morwen and Henry

For Morwen and Henry

I am not a morning person. I may have discussed this before. My not being a morning person. Anyhoo, this morning I got up (as usual), showered, dressed, got food together for a week or so. You see, I can’t bring food with me every day, if I do, I’ll forget and then I’ll be eating out or starving. But once and a while I can muster up the energy to remember to bring several lunches at once, like I did this morning. It helped that I cooked this weekend and thus had many items to choose from.

[I won’t mention that my car starter wouldn’t work; so I crouched naked at the top of the stairs trying to turn it on again. With a fail.]

So I’ve got my bag of food, I grab my purse and backpack and take my leave. [Yes, I’m dressed. The car thing happened between showering and dressing. But I didn’t tell you about that, remember.] I get to my car, laden with stuff (food, purse, backpack) and realize that I don’t NEED my backpack. I haven’t NEEDED my backpack daily since I stopped going to school. Too lazy to bring it back inside, I just threw it in the back of the car, where it sat all day.

Mornings. Not a fan.

Had a good day at work. Did some awesomely cool geeky stuff that is hard to explain. So I won’t. Suffice to say, I was a nerd rock star for a moment.

And now. Time for other stuff. Because tonight my heart and mind and are with Morwen and Henry.

[Sorry about that awkward transition, people. That’s the way things are going around here.]

I’ve known Morwen Two-Feathers since 1998, the first time I attended Rites of Spring. She is a passionate, vibrant woman who lives her life in truth. She has had aphasia for a few months, and they found a brain tumor. Tomorrow, she will undergo surgery to remove the tumor. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. She is young and strong. I have a good feeling.

And Ed’s Dad Henry may be transitioning. Dying. Tonight he said goodbye to Chris (Ed’s Mom) and he was talking to his sister, who died a few years ago. Still, we don’t know for sure. It is times like this that it’s really hard to be 7 hours away. I pray for a gentle and painless passing. I hope we can see him again. He is surrounded by our love.

Morwen’s friends and family are wearing a red cord to show solidarity with her her family and medical team, for healing – to show that we are all connected. I made cords for me and Edmund, we added yellow thread in honor of Henry.

We are all connected.

Edmund’s post today is especially good, about his parent’s relationship.