Archives for December 6, 2012

Live Blagging from Edmund’s Company Holiday Party

Ed’s talking with friends.

Now I’m watching him bowl.

We’re at Bayside Bowl in Portland.

I don’t wanna bowl.

Edmund has his own bowling shoes. And a set of big balls. For bowling, natch.

It’s a fun party.

I’m the designated driver. Everyone gets 2 drink tickets. I gave my drink tickets to Edmund. He is likely to get a little toasted tonight.

It’s raucous in here, with the hooting and hollering.

Ed’s helping some guy with his ball.

Just found out Edmund has an office boyfriend before Edmund did. Was told it was a true bromance. Ed’s response: “we’re buddies…”

I am cuter than the office boyfriend. Thank all that is holy.

I will say, Todd (the office boyfriend) has a funny t-shirt on.

I have an annoying zit on my cheek.

Eddie is cool, with the fist bumping and the strike making.