I slept in today, and lazed about. I aimlessly looked at the internet. I wasted a lot of time. I feel kinda bad about it only because yesterday was a wash too.
I guess I keep feeling better. If I don’t cough up a lung when I go to sleep, that will be nice.
Note: my cold is annoying but not alarming. Slight stuffiness. Coughing (which has abated). You don’t need to do an internet intervention.
I had big plans of getting a head start on my day-job work today, but shiny things kept getting in the way. (Like watching interviews from the cast/producers/writers of American Gods, and inspiration porn on the interwebs.)
Maybe I just needed another restful day. And now I am endeavoring to get to sleep before midnight so I can get a full 8 hours of sleep (I have 15 minutes to go!)
Things I did do today: call my Mom – but to no avail, she did not pick up the phone; watch new episode of American Gods, only one left!; bathed – not necessarily in that order.
[Spoiler: (not about American Gods) you might have noticed this is the third day in a row I’ve made posts, because yes, I decided to try posting every day on my blag again. Don’t tell anyone tho, I am not sure I am committed yet.]
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