Hey. I’m typing this in my home office. If you’ve been following along, you might think that will herald a post of awesomeness and delight. You would be wrong.
Sure, it’s easier for me to type this here than on my phone, but my brain is still dead. Or sleepy. Or numb. Or something something.
So. Pith!
Edmund is talking to me from the next room. That doesn’t help me maintain my concentration, but he is telling me important things about an email he just got from Longfellow books (lesson: Buy local). He told me he would stop talking, but then he mentions how fast I am typing.
I am a dynamo. Don’t you forget it.
Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. A few weeks ago I got a bee in my bonnet to get an old school typewriter. We saw a documentary about old school typewriters an I got all caught up into the romance of it all. Last Saturday Edmund and I visited a local shop, Pinecone+Chickadee, they have lots of cool, kitchy hipster stuff, including old-school typewriters. I found one I liked, only $65. But. When I typed on it, I went too fast and a bunch of keys got stuck. I didn’t like that. Now, if someone gave me a free typewriter, that’s cool, I’d probably try using it, but I cannot pay money to get something that will irritate me. Life. Is. Too. Short.
Funny thing is, not only do I have a laptop, I also have an Alphasmart 2000 – which is a great thing I can bring anywhere to type on. And it doesn’t have internet, (just like an old-school typewriter). And BONUS: I can hook it up to my computer to download what I’ve typed directly into any Word or Text document. It lacks the romance of the old-school typewriter, but I am a practical girl. Function OVER form.
That is all.
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