Spent the day watching Fringe, helping Edmund with Laundry, watching more Fringe, and sleeping through two nature documentaries.
Also on the agenda: fresh spring rolls from Saigon and lots of Chai Tea.
Right now I am writing this on my phone and planning my day tomorrow, which is shaping up to look like Panera, groceries, and cooking. And maybe a nap. And probably more Fringe (I just started season three).
Good times.
Tonight I will be watching more Fringe (do you sense a theme? ) in bed. Thanks to my Kindle Fire.
About Fringe, in case you have no clue what it is, it’s a Sci-Fi television show with alternate universes, worm holes, shape shifters, and SCIENCE! Lots of science. I never got into it when it first came out, but we have it for free on Amazon Prime, so I can watch the whole series if I want to. And I do. This is my favorite thing about our modern times: on demand streaming video.
I also like living in the future.
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