Canned Blag Posts are fun for everyone

Lounging with LannaLee LogoIt’s Monday night, Labor Day, as I write this. I realized I needed a couple days off from the Blag, so I’m getting posts ready ahead of time. Yesterday was easy, I talked about the latest Lounging with LannaLee.

I didn’t have any other ideas, so I’m telling you what I’m doing. You can’t stop me! [Well, you can stop reading, but I hope you don’t.]

It is my hope that will free up some time for me to finally finish the media/press kit I’m making for Lounging with LannaLee. Taking it to the next level, and whatnot.

Part of my brain is with Edmund and his parents and sister in Pennsylvania.

The other part of my brain is scheming how to get more listeners for Lounging with LannaLee (This might be a coping mechanism, I realize.)

The thing is YOU can help with getting Lounging with LannaLee more listeners! Suggestions are below. Listen yourself and TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

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  1. Click: click this link to Subscribe on iTunes.
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  3. Share: Tell ALL your friends. Send them to this website:

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