Well, Edmund gave me a bit of a scare the other day, when he decided to open the window and it broke–puncturing his arm.

So there he was, running around the room, looking at the wound and freaking out. There was a large jagged gash, about an inch and a half long, and the edges of it puckered. It looked very deep, and there was dark red blood pooling in the cut. I had him sit down in the chair and I threw him some paper towels. He applied pressure while I simultaneously called 911, looked for a clean rag and started clearing off the table so Ed could put his arm on it. Do we put on a tourniquet? EMS says NO! Aahhh. They tell me someone is coming and that I can hang up.
I run to our roommate Patrick’s room and knock on the door. Tell him I need his help. He comes in and calms us down. I get dressed into street clothes and put shoes on Edmund. Patrick notices that I forgot my shoes. I get them. The buzzer rings, EMTs are here! They calm us down and ask us for the millionth time how old Edmund is. They wrap Edmund’s arm. We go to the hospital. The main EMT dude mentions as we are leaving, “You might want to call the landlord to fix that window”
I look up, there are large uneven points of glass hanging in the sill. We are on the 6th floor. People might die. Hmmm. I asked Patrick to call on our way out.
We get to the hospital in at around 6:45 P.M., two hours later we were on our way home, Edmund sporting five brand spankin’ new stitches! Fun!
We got home around 9:00 P.M., after I sprung for a livery cab. And the glass was already replaced! Amazing. If the box of scary glass wasn’t left in the middle of the floor we would have thought we were in some strange Twilight Zone story…
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