I had my post for tonight all figured out. And then I went to the grocery store. Making Chili tomorrow (dammit) and needed the fixins.
I was getting other things too.
Well, the store had been picked dry! I couldn’t reach the diced tomatoes, there were no cranberries (for Edmund), and there was NO HAMBURGER. You know, an integral part of a lot of chili recipes. Especially MY chili recpie.
Ok. There was one 3lb package of hamburg. I only needed 2lbs. However, the package was open on one end. I decided against.
We live in a small city. So I went to another grocery store. NO HAMBURGER! Seriously?
Fortunately there was hamburger at the last store. Woo hoo! And good thing as they were closing in 15 minutes.
It’s 3lbs, but I can work with it.
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