The Best Laid Plans

The Best Laid Plans

I could write in my journal, maybe? I have that with me. That won't make any noise.

I could write in my journal, maybe? I have that with me. That won’t make any noise.

I probably should’ve saved the title I used for this post for a topic more weighty. Like when I have some crushing disappointment. Or something.

What happened: I forgot my headphones. I am at Panera Bread in Derby CT ready for a day of working on my computer, of study and reflection, and I forgot my headphones. So: mild disappointment. Because I did the same thing last week. But really, a minor blip.

Now I can’t work on the courses I am taking on, or drown out loud people (if it comes to it), or watch youtube videos – UNLESS I want to be rude.

Maybe I have a pair in my car. The catch-all black hole in the center console might have a pair. Heck, I’ll even take ear-buds at this point.

I have searched both my purse and my backpack. No dice. No headphones.

Oh well.

I had other things on my to do list. Writing blag posts (like this one) was one. I can do that without being rude. (I might write something rude, but that’s a totally different animal.)

I plan on doing what I did last week. Write a few days of blag posts and schedule them to publish throughout the week. Maybe I can do the whole week. Who knows. I want to do productive things too.

Looking at my car. Might there be headphones there?

It’s raining.