Happy Christmas and Merry Graduation to me! My dear husband, Edmund, subsidized this fine purchase, and I just opened it last night. A Kindle Fire!
I didn’t have tons of time to play around with it, but so far, I am way excited and impressed. I think it will do everything I’d like it to. It’s easy to download music and books. In fact my whole Kindle library was there ready for me to download my books and android apps onto it. Quite impressive.And if I want anything from the store, it’s easy to switch over, but the first thing I am shown is either the books/apps already on the device or the items I’ve already purchased that are on the Amazon Cloud. This is Money because I have some sweet free apps I got from the Amazon App store months ago, and now I can play them on a bigger screen.
It’s heavier than it looks, yet it feels delicate. I have two co-workers who already have the Kindle Fire, and I see why they didn’t want to take it out of their house without a cover on it. My cover was backordered, but should be in soon. Can’t wait, because I don’t dare take mine out of the house without a cover!
Everyone who purchases the Kindle Fire will get a month free of Amazon Prime video streaming, so you can see if you’d like it. The free titles are limited, but include Firefly. OMG, so awesome! And the video looks very sweet, and the speakers sound great. No time to really play with it now, but rest assured, I will be, and will let you know.
As far as reading novels and such, I will probably stick with my regular Kindle, because it has the E Ink display. But for Graphic novels and magazines, I suspect the Fire is the way to go.
So, geeking out a bit with the Kindle Fire.
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