

Lenny Chilling in my ChairDo you have cats? As you may have guessed, if you’ve been reading along here, we have two cats, Lenny and Squiggy. Pictured to the left is dear Lenny. The Lenster. Lenny Lenster. Lenny the Nudge.

Do you have pets and do you come up with weird names for them? Me neither.

When I do my nighttime stumbles to the bathroom, Lenny will weave around my legs, and then plop down on the floor in front of the toilet while I, you know, do my business. Why? I don’t know. He rolls around and otherwise looks adorable. I’m not the most cheerful person in the morning (we’ve discussed this) and usually I’m trying to maintain my calmness so I can go right back to sleep. I note the cuteness, but I do not pet him. Instead I coldly make my way back to bed. In effect, ignoring the cute.

Squiggy on my chairThis morning it was Squiggy at my feet in the bathroom. Looking adorable. At first, due to my myopia, I thought it was Lenny, but then I caught sight of Squiggy’s handsome face with its distinctive black spot on his nose. Definitely Squiggy. I ignored him like I do Lenny. However, I found Lenny at the foot of my bed. And when I got back under the covers, he came back and laid on my chest and forced me to pet him. Clearly it was Lenny time.

And clearly, Lenny and Squiggy were in cahoots! Cat-hoots?!

So today, on Caturday, Edmund and I will spend together. Cuddling with our cats and otherwise enjoying life. And waiting in anticipation for the next time its Lenny Time, and for who will be the lucky recipient of such.

Do you have cats or any other pets? And do you give them silly nicknames?

Not sure what to say

Not sure what to say

Here I am, at a loss for words. I’m sitting at my work desk, while realizing I haven’t blogged yet today. I’m eating free popcorn. I am tired, tired, tired. {Why am I tired? Reference: yesterday’s post and the day before and the day before that.}

There are things I want to talk about. I have plans. Bloggy things. Plans about bloggy things. And other plans too. Thingy plans. And whatnot.

But those bloggy plan things are not flying off my fingertips, instead they are hiding in my brain, dulled. Silenced. I could coax one of those things I want to talk about out of my brainy brain, but I don’t think that would be wise. No sirree. Tonight I need my synapses firing for a greater purpose, wait for it, HOMEWORK. Ahhhhhh!

Also, my brain hurts:
My Brain Hurts

So I’ll leave you with this picture of Lenny and Squiggy, peering out the bedroom window. They’re keeping me and Edmund safe from malfeasant pigeons.

Lenny & Squiggy keeping an eye on things

And whatnot.

What do you think? Have you seen any malfeasant pigeons?

Lenny vs. Squiggy

This morning I found Squiggy and Lenny chillaxing in @rurugby's chair.
This is Squiggy and Lenny shortly after they arrived at casa Quinn. They are much bigger now.

Here is how you can tell Lenny and Squiggy apart.

First we will start with the obvious: Lenny (left) has white and gray fur, Squiggy (right) has white and black fur. Lenny is a little bigger than Squiggy. And Squiggy’s nose has no white fur, he has an adorable black spot covering his whole nose, while the tip of Lenny’s nose is white.
Time for your closeup, kitties!

And there’s more.

Lenny likes to jump into things:
Lenny wonders how he will get out of this mess.

We call him Lenny the Nudge. He's up for recycling soon.

Squiggy is more inquisitive:
Bad kitty!

And jumps on the back of my office chair whenever I print something:
Squigman loves it when I print something.

Lenny has musical aspirations:
Lenny is not sure of this QChord thing.

Squiggy is more of a scholar:
You need helps writing paper?

Lenny loves to sleep in:
Lenny doesn't want to get up either

So does Squiggy:
Neither Squiggy nor I want to get up today.

And they are like peas and carrots:
Plows are interesting.

Snuggle bunnies:
Squiggy & Lenny are a purring machine.

The love Edmund more than me:

My boys.

And I am so glad they agreed to come live with us.
This is pretty nice to come home to

Likely Suspects

On October 23, 2010, we picked Lenny and Squiggy up from the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland.
Nothing to see here, move along.

It was 2 weeks after Hunter passed. At one point, we were planning on getting a friend for Hunter, so this time our intention was to get two kittens. In any case, we needed 2 kitties to fill the void.

Edmund was working, but he arranged to take a longer lunch and meet me at the shelter. I went first to reconnoiter. Obviously, this was a decision we needed to make together. I walked all around the shelter, checking out the kitties. There were some tiny kittens right up front. There were a bunch of older cats. But right away it was Lenny and “Ted” who caught my eye.

Likely suspects. Crossing fingers.

As I waited for Edmund to arrive, I hovered near Lenny and “Ted”‘s cage. No one seemed interested in them, which was fine with me. But Edmund needed to agree. It was offered to me to be able to hold a cat or two, but I waited for Edmund. I didn’t want to fall in love with a kitty before he got there. When Edmund came in, he zeroed right in on Lenny and “Ted”‘s cage too.

When we held them we knew they were the ones for us. Lenny’s signature purr was in full force that day. Then Edmund looked at me and said, “We should call them Lenny & Squiggy.” The funny thing, earlier I had thought the same thing. Kismet.

So we brought them home.

Introducing Lenny and Squiggy (nee Ted)

When we brought them home, we locked them in my office st first. This way they wouldn’t be frightened by the new apartment. The plan was to let them acclimate for a couple of days before we brought them into the rest of the house. Later that afternoon, I opened the door and Squiggy barreled right out of the room and explored the apartment, with Lenny shadowing behind him.

They fit right in with us.

2  kittens approve of this open-window thing.

And although they get along extremely well, every now and again they have an awesome cat fight!

Are you a pet owner? Or are you owned by any pets? How did your furry friends come into your life? 

AC is put away

Finally. The AC is put away for winter. Lenny & Squiggy approve.

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you’ve already seen this pic. Lenny & Squiggy, checking the birds out from the window which, until recently, had an air conditioner in it. We are gearing up for a long winter here in Maine. In fact, we just had our first snow storm this weekend.

I leave you with this picture as I get ready to climb in my car and drive to Portland. Stats class. More on this later.