Day of Thanks

Day of Thanks

Mom and Dad, Thanksgiving 2005

Mom and Dad, Thanksgiving 2005

Although we deeply missed the presence of my Dad, we had a great day. For that we are thankful.

Today I hung out with my Mom and watched as she effortlessly put together a tasty meal for the four of us. It was a smaller meal than we are used to, because we only had 4 of us, but still it was abundant. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, squash, mixed veggies, rolls, sweet potatoes, Mother’s fruit salad, cranberry sauce, plus three pies for dessert: needless to say, we had plenty to eat!

Normally we have more people. Edmund’s parents, for obvious reasons, were not able to make it. Dot Mithee and Cousin Benny passed in the last year or so. With Dad’s passing, that’s 5 people missing from the regular Thanksgiving dinner.

Regardless, we had a day of fun, love and togetherness. I went over to Mom’s at around 11 am and hung out. My brother arrived a little after noon. Edmund had to work, so we ate dinner when he got out after 6 pm.

While I am grateful for many things, I am most grateful of the knowledge that my father would have wanted us to have a great day. So by doing so, we were honoring his wishes.

Here are some pictures from our day. I hope, at the least, your day was as good.