Pep Talk

Pep Talk

My DadSome of the things I want to do this year terrify me. I am afraid of looking like a fool. In order to be a success, I might have to actually practice/do work/be vulnerable. And what if I do those things (practice/do work/be vulnerable), and fail! Argh!

What I usually do in similar is to give myself a little pep talk. Just saying a few simple phrases under my breath can make the difference in my attitude and help me get up and go. Here they are:

Balls to the Wall

I don’t have balls (ovaries all the way, baby), but this has worked for me in the past.

Why I like it: It’s a little profane, but I think that’s its strength. [Of course the Urban Dictionary says that it is a flying/piloting reference, and not anatomical, but we won’t let them ruin our fun, will we?]

Screw em if they can’t take a joke

[Could also be F*&^ em if they can’t take a joke.] The person I remember saying this most is my Mom, Dottie Maheux (not pictured).

Why I like it: Who cares what they think? Screw em! A good reminder to please yourself and not others.

God Hates a Coward

This one is from my Dad, Walter Maheux (pictured above). Whenever he psyches himself up to do something difficult, he says “Well, God hates a coward” and gets to it.

Why I like it: It’s a funny way to say the Lord helps those who help themselves. And you don’t want to be a coward, do you?

What do you say to yourself when you need a pep talk?